Allow 24-48 hours for a response. - All applications are read by the promoter and admins, so it may take time.
Invalid or incomplete applications will be discarded.
Iracing Name
Number choice
Connection Type
(Cable, DSL,.... )
Email Address
(Must be valid)
Online Racing background/Expectations
Other leagues?
Years of experience?
What are you looking for in an online league?
How did you find us?
Internet Search
Other Driver
Other Forums
Although you may run with us as non members, only members can receive awards, prize money, guaranteed number and car painting from our painters.
Be sure your email address is valid allow 24-48 hours for a response. Invalid or incomplete applications will be discarded.
How to obtain a FSB Membership
1. Plan to have fun!
2. Follow and maintain Club Rules. Rules Page
3. No reckless driving or intentional wrecking.
4. Show good sportsmanship win, lose or wreck. FSB is a Sportsmanship based league. Its what sets us apart. We will not tolerate calling drivers out in any form, in voice, social media and chat.
5. Have a stable connection.
6. Be accountable publicly when you mess up. And accept apologies when they are offered
7. Allow others to make mistakes.
8. Learn from mistakes and try not to repeat them.
9. Be active in the post race forums and onDiscord
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Any use of the FSB Racing name, logos or content from the main site and/or forums without written consent is strictly prohibited.
All other trademarks, trade names, or company names referenced herein are used for entertainment and are the property of their respective companies.
Upon registration confirmation you will be able to compete in FSB iSeries events. If you are new to FSB you will be offered a membership after about 5 races here, and you are interested in a membership, our admins will vote you in. All you need to do, is never put other drivers down in any way here, in public chat or Social media, on Discord or TS. And you can keep the car straight and follow our rules. We will vote yay on that membership. Many dont survive that harsh no Flaming policy, but its what we do at FSB. HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!!!!